Friday, August 16, 2013

It's What YOU make of it!

So, I am a lover of anything that helps you move to the next level.  I follow and read many of the greats like Tony Robbins, Og Mandino, Matt Oechsli and oh does my list go on.

Well I am so excited because my fiance, who is fully in tune to me, bought me tickets to the next Tony event!  I am over the moon about it.

Now for some of  you, your probably rolling your eyes and saying things like "oh that motivational stuff". And I am sure that at some point in your life you've come across someone that is really outgoing and goes to these sorts of events all the time.  They go, they get their fill, they come back all pumped up and then bam..they crash back into what they were before they went.  This causes you to again..roll your eyes.

Well, as the title of this post suggests, its all what YOU make of it.

That person that comes back and crashes hasn't learned to utilize what he or she learned.  You can say, "well they didn't learn anything", but I would say again...its all what you make of it.

Everything I come across and touch in life I learn from.  Some of it makes sense so I keep it on board.  Other parts are kind of wishy washy so I put it in the back of my head to revisit another time.  Other things just make no sense at all so I forget about it.  But, I make the most out of each occasion I can.

So, the next time you are given an opportunity to about trying to use the opportunity ...make something out of it.   Decide if its right for you or not.  But learn from it.

Its the same sort of thing I always told my boys as I was raising them...  if they were miserable I told them..its a choice..  you make it what it is...if you want to be miserable, be miserable...but if you want to be something about it.  Its all about what YOU make of it!!

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