Saturday, July 6, 2013

Good Morning World

Good Morning World....  isn't that what a happy woman would say upon waking??

Ha!  I know, happy go lucky first thing in the morning can be irritating, but that is what I usually am...happy go lucky.  Today is one of those days.

I had a quick search of old friends today and was so pleased to see that the ones I knew were going to make something of themselves actually have!!!  So proud of you all.

And what about me...well I am the rambling woman.  I have my hand in many pots most of the time just to try to encourage someone else to be all they can be.  Usually it works.  When it doesn't I wouldn't have a clue because either they hide it really well or they just don't tell me about it!!

But, this morning it got me thinking.  What can I do to get myself to the next level.  I am already working on my finances.  I am going to finally finish my BS degree in Radiologic Technology, but somehow in my little mind its not enough.  I really want to pursue my coaching and speaking.

So, on that note, as I drive to the beach today to get my dose of vitamin D I think I will put my old Tony Robbins tapes in if I can find them and go man go.

I used to always say that as a human we can reinvent ourselves over and over until we get it just right.  Those old friends I mentioned...they did just that.  The kept going despite it all.  They are continually learning and improving on themselves.  I applaud them.

I've been sedentary for about a year now.  Just getting my feet back up underneath me and firmly planted on the ground....okay perhaps not firmly yet, but getting there.  That's all part of the growing and learning cycle we must go through to improve on ourselves.

I used to think happiness was just something that everyone else had.  Now I am beginning to understand that I have it too...I just have to let all the other crap go and grab hold.  So, as I ramble and improve on myself and get back to being me...perhaps you'd like to come for the ride.

I will open my coaching back up on one condition....that if you choose to hire me as your coach, that you will  dive in and know that while you're growing, I am too and while you're succeeding, I am too and that while you are finding your own happiness...  I am too.  Message me if you're interested.  I am serious about this and will only take on someone that is serious about it. to the beach (or perhaps the pool).  A little bit of me time is warranted.

I will be back....  let me know what you did today...  :)

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